Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For humans, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Sustainability encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.
Another approach is the management of consumption of resources, which is based largely on information gained from educated professionals in economics. Human sustainability interfaces with economics through the voluntary trade consequences of economic activity. Moving towards sustainability is also a social challenge that entails, among other factors, international and national law, urban planning and transport, local and individual lifestyles and ethical consumerism.
Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms from controlling living conditions (e.g., ecovillages, eco-municipalities and sustainable cities), to reappraising work practices (e.g., using permaculture, green building, sustainable agriculture), or develop new technologies that reduce the consumption of resources.
We learn every year from the market, our experiences and our customers to be economically and socially more responsible, to lead the way and encourage those around us to share in the responsibility of valuing human capital, preserving and reducing the waste of natural resources and evaluate transactions for their social and potentially measurable economic and environmental impacts.
With this in mind, we do not encourage or support transactions that have a known or measurable negative impact on the socio-economic environment. We seek out business partners and evaluate potential investors with whom we share this common ground and social responsibility to God, our fellow man, and future generations.
Our business practices are simple and effective. We continuously re-evaluate our contribution to society and our impact and look for ways in which we can further promote a sustainable business that is profitable as well as responsible in the area of sustainability as above mentioned, while making a positive investment in the people we meet, we interact with and do business with.
Few things are as important as leaving a fellow human being encouraged and positively impacted to improve themselves and their environment and their future which improves the future for all humankind.